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  • Writer's pictureElan Modilevsky

Irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILIT)

The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the body of law that outlines the federal government's taxation policies and procedures. It is important to understand how the IRC affects ILITs, as these trusts can provide many tax benefits to those who establish them.


IRC Section 679 is significant for ILITs, as it defines how grantor trusts are taxed. Grantor trusts are set up so that a person, or grantor, transfers assets into a trust during their lifetime or upon death and can control how those assets are managed. In this type of trust, the grantor retains certain rights over the asset or income produced by it and thus remains liable for taxes on such property or income.


The other sections of the IRC that are important for ILITs include Section 2056(b)(7), which allows individuals to deduct certain estate taxes from their yearly federal tax returns. Section 2519 and 7212 also relate to ILITs, as they discuss the generation-skipping transfer tax, a special kind of estate tax imposed on transfers made by an individual or trust.


Section 2503 allows donors to take advantage of the gift tax exclusion, which gives them an opportunity to make tax-free gifts up to $15,000 each year without having to pay any additional taxes on them. Additionally, section 645 deals with GST exemption amounts and how they can be allocated among multiple trusts. Finally, section 2803 places restrictions on trustees’ power to make distributions from the trust.


Understanding the IRC is essential for anyone who wishes to benefit from an ILIT, as they must be familiar with its various sections in order to ensure that they are taking advantage of all available tax benefits. Additionally, it is important to consult a knowledgeable financial advisor or estate planning attorney when establishing such trusts, as they can help ensure that the trust and its assets are structured properly according to the requirements of the IRC. With this knowledge, taxpayers can take advantage of all available tax benefits and ensure that their trusts remain compliant with federal law.


Thus, understanding how Internal Revenue Code sections relate to ILITs is essential for anyone considering setting up one of these trusts. Staying current on changes in the law and consulting professionals who have expertise in the field can help ensure that taxpayers get the most out of their estate planning.



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